Logo for Minos Damage Numbers, featuring the Godot logo with some numbers scattered inside it

Minos Damage Numbers

Damage numbers UI similar to what is seen in roguelikes using object pooling

Logo for Minos Damage Numbers, featuring the Godot logo with some numbers scattered inside it



Copy the minos_damage_numbers directory into your res://addons/directory. Then make sure to enable the plugin in Project Settings -> Plugins. For C# projects make sure to remember to build! The autoloads should automatically appear, but in case they don't make sure to add them by calling them MinosDamageNumbers2D and MinosDamageNumbers3D.


Make a script that has a Marker2D/3D variable. This is where the numbers will come out of. Then inside the script, just call display_numbers() and put in the number as well as the position of the Marker2D/3D. By default, it'll select DamageType.NORMAL but there's also DamageType.CRITICAL_HIT as a built in value. These are used to set the color.@export var numbersPos : Marker2D
func _on_normal_button_pressed():
MinosDamageNumbers2d.display_number(5, numbersPos.global_position)

@export var numbersPos : Marker2D
func _on_normal_button_pressed():
MinosDamageNumbers2d.display_number(5, numbersPos.global_position, MinosDamageNumbers2D.DamageType.CRITICAL_HIT)


1. Tween Animation
To adjust the tween animation, there are 3 variables. upTweenAmount is how far up it goes. upTweenLength is how long the tween lasts going up. downTweenLength is how long the tween lasts as it goes back down.
var upTweenAmount : float = 25
var upTweenLength : float = 0.25
var downTweenLength : float = 0.5
2. Text Color
Easily adjust the color of text depending on the type of damage they take. By default, there are two types, NORMAL and CRITICAL_HIT. To add more simple add them to the DamageType enum.
enum DamageType{

Then you can see all the colors below the #Colors comment.
# Colors
var normalColor : Color = Color(248, 248, 242, 255)
var criticalColor : Color = Color(255, 85, 85, 255)
Lastly, add them to the match statement in the display_number() function. Make sure to divide it by 255!
match _damageType:
numberLabel.modulate = normalColor/255
numberLabel.modulate = criticalColor/255
numberLabel.modulate = normalColor/255

Logo for Minos Damage Numbers, featuring the Godot logo with some numbers scattered inside it

Bug Report / Feature Request